Lukas Knuth//SWE

Generating Qrcodes With Zxing

When it comes to reading QR-codes, most Android applications use the ZXing library. It’s capabilities and ease of use when reading QR-Codes is already known, but ZXing can also generate QR-Codes.

Sadly, a lack of documentation makes it pretty hard to dive into this topic, so this article aims to provide a simple starting point.

Integration choices

There are two ways to integrate ZXing in your application: by using Intents or as a library.

Using the Intent integration makes development easier, since it’s less work. The downside to that is, that the “Barcode Scanner” application must be installed on the device. The integration-module will automatically prompt the user to install the application, if it’s not already installed, but still this involves manual interaction and might not be what you want.

The library integration is a little more complicated, but does not require any third-party applications to be installed on the device. It’s also not really documented, so you’ll have to do some digging around and source-reading if you want to do something custom.

We’ll be focusing on the library integration in this article.

Intent integration

When you decide to use Intents, all you have to do is add the android-integration module (Maven repository) to your Android project and use the IntentIntegrator-class:

IntentIntegrator integrator = new IntentIntegrator(AnActivity.this);

And that’s really all there is to it. The shareText(CharSequence)-method will start an Activity of the “Barcode Scanner” application to show the generated barcode. If the application could not be found, it will prompt the user to install it.

This is a very fast and simple way to integrate this in your application. But if you want to show the generated QR-Code in your own ImageView, you’ll have to go with the…

Library integration

If something more customizable is needed, choose the library integration. Next to the android-integration module from before, this time we’ll also need the core module (Maven repository). Both these go into androids libs/-directory (or you simply use Maven).

Encoding a String into a QR-Code is almost straightforward with the QRCodeWriter.encode(String, BarcodeFormat, int, int)-method:

QRCodeWriter writer = new QRCodeWriter();
try {
    BitMatrix matrix = writer.encode(
        "", BarcodeFormat.QR_CODE, 400, 400
    // Now what??
} catch (WriterException e) {

The data (in this example, the URL) is now encoded into a BitMatrix. But how do we get the matrix to show on-screen?

How not to do it

It’s sometimes suggested to simply use the javase module and it’s MatrixToImageWriter-class. However, this will not work on Android, since it does not have the BufferedImage-class in it’s Java implementation!

Executing the code will throw a ClassNotFoundException at runtime:

ERROR/AndroidRuntime(xxx): java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax.imageio.ImageIO

Using the MatrixToImageWriter to write the matrix to a file and decode it via BitmapFactory does also not work, since this method uses a BufferedImage and the ImageIO-class internally. Both of which are not available in Android.

Generating an Android-Bitmap

The alternative to a BufferedImage on Android is to use a Bitmap, which is Androids “replacement” class. It offers almost the same methods as the BufferedImage, so migration of the toBufferedImage()-methods is pretty easy. The “Barcode Scanner” application uses a similar approach:

* Writes the given Matrix on a new Bitmap object.
* @param matrix the matrix to write.
* @return the new {@link Bitmap}-object.
public static Bitmap toBitmap(BitMatrix matrix){
    int height = matrix.getHeight();
    int width = matrix.getWidth();
    Bitmap bmp = Bitmap.createBitmap(width, height, Bitmap.Config.RGB_565);
    for (int x = 0; x < width; x++){
        for (int y = 0; y < height; y++){
            bmp.setPixel(x, y, matrix.get(x,y) ? Color.BLACK : Color.WHITE);
    return bmp;

This is a very simple and straightforward port of the toBufferedImage()-method from the javase module. The code in the ZXing application actually does a lot more than that, but I have found that this works fine as well.

A noticeable difference between the two implementations is, that I use Bitmap.Config.RGB_565 instead of Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888. The docs say:

  • ARGB_8888 Each pixel is stored on 4 bytes.
  • RGB_565 Each pixel is stored on 2 bytes and only the RGB channels are encoded […]

Since we’re showing an all black & white image and there are only “rough edges”, the quality will not decrease, but the memory-footprint will.

The generated Bitmap-object can now be shown using ImageView.setImageBitmap(Bitmap).

Storing the Bitmap

To save the Bitmap-object as a image-file, use the Bitmap.compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat, int, OutputStream)-method:

File sdcard = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory();
FileOutputStream out = null;
try {
    out = new FileOutputStream(new File(sdcard, "qrcode.jpg"));
    boolean success = qrcode_bmp.compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.JPEG, 100, out);
    if (success){
        // Successfully saved!
    } else {
        // ... or not.
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
} finally {
    if (out != null) try {
    } catch (IOException e) {

This will store the Bitmap-instance qrcode_bmp to the SD-Card’s root folder, using the given filename.

Note that in a real-live implementation, you’d also need to check the SD-Card’s state and ensure that it’s writable. Note also, that you’ll have to declare the use of the android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE-permission in your manifest-file.


  • For fast integration, use the android-integration module and it’s shareText(CharSequence)-method.
  • For maximum customization, create a BitMatrix and convert it into a Bitmap
  • The javase module will not work, because Android does not offer the BufferedImage-class, nor does it offer ImageIO!
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