Lukas Knuth//SWE

Catching Practice

I recently answered a question on StackOverflow, asking if catching an Error would be reasonable in a particular case. The original question and my answer can be found here, however I felt that my answer could be extended with a more general discussion of the implications and additional examples.

Clarification: Throwable, Error, Exception

In Java, errors and exceptions (which are the main types) are thrown using the throw-keyword. Every class which extends the basic java.lang.Throwable can be thrown.

In the Standard Library, there are two classes which inherit from the basic Throwable-class: Exception and Error. Their semantics are explained in the respective documentation:


An Error is a subclass of Throwable that indicates serious problems that a reasonable application should not try to catch. Most such errors are abnormal conditions. […]


The class Exception and its subclasses are a form of Throwable that indicates conditions that a reasonable application might want to catch.

So, it appears, that it’s generally a bad idea to catch an Error on purpose.

Why do we distinguish?

Additionally, exceptions are further divided into “checked exceptions” (which inherit from the basic java.lang.Exception-class) and “runtime exceptions” (which inherit from java.lang.RuntimeException).

The difference being that when a “checked exception” is thrown, it must be handled (by a “try/catch”-block), whereas a “runtime exception” should not be handled at all.

The reason why there are multiple different types of Throwable is, because they all have different origins:

  • An Error represents a critical low-level problem (probably with the VM) which an application is most likely not able to recover from.
  • A “checked exception” indicates a high-level problem, which the application is likely to recover from.
  • A “runtime exception” indicates a programming error, which the application should not recover from.

The keyword here really is recover.

Can we recover?

The question to ask when catching any kind of Throwable is always the following: Can my application recover from it? If the application can recover, it should catch. If it can’t (or is most likely unable to) recover, it shouldn’t.

From the (excellent) “Effective Java - Second Edition” by Joshua Bloch, Chapter 9, Item 58:

If a program throws an unchecked exception or an error, it is generally the case that recovery is impossible and continued execution would do more harm than good.

Now, the task is to determine whether we can recover or not. The type of Throwable gives us a hint, but it’s really depending on the actual situation.



This example is from the original question linked above:

[…] I’m currently loading a DLL that is not guaranteed to be on the PATH, and would like to switch to a user-configured location in the case that it isn’t.

The code is given as follows:

try {
} catch(UnsatisfiedLinkError ule){

Quoting from the java.lang.System-JavaDoc, the UnsatisfiedLinkError is thrown…

Throws: UnsatisfiedLinkError - if the library does not exist.

So, can we recover? The application tries to load the library from the PATH. If this does not succeed, there is a fallback location to look for the library. Hence, the application is able to recover from the error-condition.

So, in this example, it’s perfectly reasonable to catch the Error. Whether or not the library is guaranteed to be at the fallback location is outside the scope of this example!


Imagine you’re trying to parse a CSV-file containing integers. Reading the file line by line using a BufferedReader, we get a string per line. If you want integers, you need to parse.

Unfortunately, it’s not guaranteed that what you expect to be an integer in the CSV file is actually even a number. One possibility is, that the value is empty, in which case you want to use a default value instead:

try {
    last_int = Integer.parseInt(foo); // Where foo is a string-value from the CSV
} catch (NumberFormatException e){
    last_int = 1; // As our default value

From the JavaDoc of java.lang.Integer#parseInt(String):

Throws: NumberFormatException - if the string does not contain a parsable integer.

And, believe it or not, an empty string is not a parsable integer:

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: ""
    at java.lang.NumberFormatException.forInputString(Unknown Source)
    at java.lang.Integer.parseInt(Unknown Source)

So again, we’re catching an exception which we are (by convention) not supposed to. In this case again, we’re able to recover from it and can continue the execution without problems.

One could now argue that it might be a design-error to make the NumberFormatException-class a runtime exception, but as mentioned above, runtime exceptions indicate programming errors. And since it is possible to know if a string is a real integer before parsing it, it can be considered a programming error to not check first. For further reading, check this SO question.

Additionally, using checked exceptions extensively tends to clutter calling code with try/catch blocks or add ridiculous amounts of throws declarations on methods. Check the “design advices” below for further reading.


If an application is likely to not recover from a thrown, checked, Exception, then making it a checked exception was a design-error in the first place.

None the less, such cases need to be handled, since the compiler wont let you compile the program without catching this exception.

Since we’ve already established that we aren’t able to recover from the Exception and should really stop the program, let’s do so using a RuntimeException but give all available information by specifying the original exception as the cause:

try {
} catch (UnrecoverableCheckedException e) {
    throw RuntimeException("Can't recover from this!", e);

This way the previously checked exception now behaves as it should, while no information is lost because it’s stack-trace is included in the newly created RuntimeException. Note that this is a workaround and should ideally never be necessary!

Design advices

To round everything up, some advices if you’re writing an API or library yourself.

Making the ball

As a general advice when creating a library/API: Favor the use of standard exceptions. Again, quoting from “Effective Java - Second Edition”, Chapter 9, Item 60:

Reusing preexisting exceptions has several benefits. Chief among these, it makes your API easier to learn and use because it matches established conventions with which programmers are already familiar. A close second is that programs using your API are easier to read because they aren’t cluttered with unfamiliar exceptions. […]

But, aside from this, there are cases when you need to create your own exceptions because you want to express something more specific, or there is just no standard exception which meets your needs.

In these cases, do so, but never extend Throwable directly! It’s not that the compiler wont let you (it will work like a “checked exception”, just like the Exception-class), the Java Language Specs do not address such throwables directly. So, you’re going into undefined behavior, which should always be avoided.

Instead, extend specific subclasses of Exception or RuntimeException (to get a new “checked-” or “unchecked-exception” respectively). It’s by convention not wrong to make your new CSVParsingException extend the basic Exception-class, but extending the more specific ParseException (which is a subclass of Exception - therefor a checked exception) makes for a cleaner picture.

Of course if you can’t find any “more specific” subclasses, you’ll need to extend the basic Exception- or RuntimeException-classes.

Also, be sure to add a constructor which takes a Throwable cause-parameter to preserve information from the originally thrown Exception when re-throwing (see further down). The basic Exception-class offers such a constructor which you can simply overwrite.

A word on extending Error: Don’t do it. As mentioned above, errors are (by convention) reserved for low-level problems (with the VM). Instead, use a RuntimeException.

Throwing the ball

Think twice before you throw. Checked exceptions are a powerful language-feature, because other than return types, you can force the developer to handle them. This can be nice but can also make the resulting code very bloated, as every thrown exception needs to be handled in it’s own catch-block (yes, there is a Java 7 feature for that…).

So, thinking about whether to throw a checked or unchecked exception can make your API/library more pleasant to use. As a rule of thumb consider the following:

The burden [of handling a checked exception] is justified if the exceptional condition cannot be prevented by proper use of the API and the programmer using the API can take some useful action once confronted with the exception. Unless both of these conditions hold, an unchecked exception is more appropriate.

From “Effective Java - Second Edition”, Chapter 9, Item 59

Just like in the above “Making the ball” section, a short word on throwing Error: Don’t do it. Since we already clarified that errors are reserved for low-level problems, there should be no need to throw them yourself.

Catching the ball

Exceptions tend to be ignored. For unchecked exceptions and errors, this might be desired (in most cases, see above), but it completely defeats the purpose of throwing a checked exception. I have seen this in various places (even in the Java Docs):

// Bad practice example. DON'T DO THIS!
try {
} catch (SomeException ignored){
    // Can't happen...

… until the day it does. Also bad:

// Bad practice example. DON'T DO THIS!
try {
} catch (SpecificException e){
    throw new OtherException("Doesn't work");

While this example will throw an exception, it totally discards any (useful) information from the previously thrown SpecificException. It’s not generally wrong to re-throw an exception, but you should either print the stack-trace of the original one, or (even better) include it as the cause in the new Exception. Every exception from the standard API has a constructor which accepts a Throwable cause as an argument (and your custom ones should, too). Use it!

throw new OtherException("Doesn't work", e);

And now, the worst possible approach:

// Bad practice example. DON'T DO THIS!
try {
} catch (Exception ignore) {
    // Ignored.

The last example (sometimes referred to as “Pokemon Exception Handling”) is generally discarding all possibly thrown exceptions (including the unchecked ones). If something goes wrong in this piece of code, your program wont crash but it wont behave as expected either. And you won’t get any information about it.

Exceptions are not your enemies. They are a helping hand from the runtime. So don’t abandon them. If there is really nothing you can (or want) to do about an exception, at least print the stack-trace (when in developing stage) or log them anywhere (when in productive state). Otherwise, some fine day, you might suffer from the revenge of the forgotten ones.

Catching generally

Last but not least, an advice on catching more general errors: Do it with extreme caution

Third party code in your application (such as libraries or even the standard library) might change with a new version of the library. A general catching block could swallow a newly added exception and suddenly your applications code (which wasn’t even touched) stops working as expected.

The only thing you should do in generalized catch-blocks is logging. For example, the following is perfectly reasonable:

try {
} catch (SpecificException e){
    // Handle the specific exception here
} catch (OtherSpecificException e){
    // Handle the other specific exception here
} catch (GeneralException e){

The important part is, that the more specific exceptions need to be caught before the more general one. And when doing so, GeneralException should be as specific as you can make it.

Returning from finally

As you are handling exceptions in your code, you should remember to never return in a finally-block!. This can become a serious problem, as outlined in James Stauffer’s article:

If you return in a finally block then any Throwables that aren’t caught (in a catch block that is part of the same try statement as the finally block) will be completely lost. The really bad part about this is that it looks so innocent.
Note this also applies to other things that transfer control (continue, throw, etc).

So keep an eye out for that.


  • If you can recover from an exception/error, don’t hesitate to catch it.
  • Prefer the default exceptions over creating your own.
  • When creating your own exceptions, don’t extend Throwable directly and don’t extend Error.
  • Many checked exceptions make the calling code bloated.
  • Never ignore or discard exceptions without at least logging them.
  • Never return from within a finally-block.
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